subsequent to.
subsequent to.
subsequent to. is a short film that centers around two sisters who survive a high school mass shooting, closely following the pair and their mother as the three of them navigate the evening after this chilling event. Though traumatized and distraught, the sisters and their mother are fortunate in their anguish. Amidst this family's most somber moments, poignant interruptions serve as a reminder to viewers that many families grapple with a dual burden of grief, not only mourning the tragic incident itself, but also contending with the profound loss of a loved one. These interruptions underscore the unsettling reality that, within the context of a mass shooting, merely navigating survival is the comparatively fortunate scenario.
The film aims to provide an unbiased and organic perspective of what over 300,000 American students have been forced to navigate and offers a short look at what their experience might have looked like. The hope is that this perspective will affect people and mobilize unlikely audiences to take action.
Behind the Scenes
A Community Effort
In the heart of Merced County, we began our journey fueled by passion and creativity. Driven by our shared desire to shed light on an issue close to our hearts, we set out to create a short film that would resonate deeply with audiences everywhere.
What we didn't expect was the overwhelming outpouring of support from our community. With unwavering generosity, locals rallied behind our vision, donating funds to bring the project to life, offering their locations as film sets, and even spending hours on set as extras on screen. Each act of kindness served as a testament to the passion and necessity behind our project, empowering us as young filmmakers to bring our story to fruition with boundless gratitude.
Behind the Scenes of Post- Production
A Sneak Peek from DP, Aiden Mitchell
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the meticulous post-production process. Watch as our talented Director of Photography, Aiden Mitchell, transforms this raw footage with layers of color correction, stabilization, planar tracking, and more; then see the difference, as it transforms into something close to what will appear in the film.